31 October 2011

Halloween! And Culture Festival.

Halloween in Japan seems to be a rather large dilution of what we do in America, which itself is probably a large dilution of the original customs of the day.  Kids in Japan don't go trick or treating, but they know the custom and the phrase, and that saying it gets you delicious candy.  Also, they freak out if you tell them about Reese's Peanut butter cups.  I suppose those haven't quite penetrated the Japanese market yet?

Anyhoo, between Culture Festivals this weekend, (similar to Sports Day, but more of an artsy-type event.  Each grade and class sings a song and there's some brass band in there as well) there was a Halloween party for some elementary school students.  There were games, costumes, and TONS of candy.  And of course, we were asked to dress up, which, of course, was a ton of fun.

An Italian American and an Australian make the best Mario and Luigi, wouldn't you know?

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. omfg that vampire is about the attack that woman with the camera! ooooooo god. maybe she wants him too though to be a immortal also. a crime against humanity. i wonder what happend next...
